I read in Sir Ken Robinson’s about the maker movement. It resonates with me on a deep level. I was a curious kid growing up and always liked to tinker. Making my hands busy was equally (if not even more) rewarding as making my brain busy. I have always been a visual and practical learner in the sense that I enjoy “peeling the onion” with my own hands and see how things actually work. I feel that my own education has been focusing too much on mental and abstract work rather than hands-on practical ones. I would very much love to make my kids' education experiences different if they also would like to tinker.

I’ve discovered the , a quarterly publication going back more than a decade. I’ve subscribed to the magaine under DaydreamEdu so that we can start to explore the world of maker culture and see if we can create curriculum and programs out of it. It’s going to be so fun!